General Assembly - Twenty-fifth session | Best Tourism Villages
Best Tourism Villages
Every year, Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO recognizes rural destinations which stand out for their commitment to sustainability in all its aspects – economic, social and environmental – and the preservation and promotion of community-based values with the aim to make tourism a driver or rural development and well-being.
The announcement of the villages recognized as Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO in its third edition (2023) will take place on the occasion of the 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly. As in previous editions, the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO 2023 Ceremony will gather high-level representatives of the Member States with villages awarded with the recognition this year as well as representatives of the villages. A meeting with the villages awarded as Best Tourism Villages in 2023 will also be held to present the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Network.
For any enquiries about the ceremony, please contact: besttourismvillages@unwto.org