November 21, 2016

Ilunion Hotels receives UNWTO Ethics Award

PR No.: PR16095

The World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) has awarded Ilunion Hotels with the UNWTO Ethics Award. The Award distinguishes Ilunion Hotels for its work in the area of accessible tourism for all and its contribution to change attitudes, break down social barriers and make the accommodation industry more inclusive.

This new category of the UNWTO Awards, the flagship awards of the World Tourism Organization, aims to recognize tourism companies and associations for their commitment and work in the promotion and implementation of the principles of the Global Code of Ethics of Tourism.

Ilunion Hotels’ pioneer policies and outstanding commitment in the area of universal accessibility is applied throughout its business model, comprising not only customers with disabilities and other access needs, but also its employees and suppliers. For these reasons, the Jury considered that Ilunion Hotels represents a virtuous, innovative and replicable best practice of corporate social responsibility.

The Jury of the UNWTO Ethics Award is composed of the Chair and members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, an independent and impartial body responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.

The 13th UNWTO Awards Ceremony will take place on 18 January 2017 in Madrid, in collaboration with the International Tourism Trade Fair (IFEMA/FITUR).

Note for Editors

The UNWTO Ethics Award was established in 2016 and is open to all companies and associations that are official signatories of the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.

The UNWTO Awards on Excellence and Innovation in Tourism were established in 2003 to distinguish the work of organizations and individuals that positively impact and inspire the tourism sector through innovation and knowledge.

The UNWTO Awards include four categories: UNWTO Lifetime Achievement Award, UNWTO Ulysses Prize, UNWTO Awards for Innovation and UNWTO Ethics Awards.

Additional information:

UNWTO Ethic Awards

UNWTO Awards on Excellence and Innovation in Tourism

UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

World Committee on Tourism Ethics


UNWTO Senior Media Officer: Rut Gómez

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 / rgomez@UNWTO.org

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