Digital Resources

Digital Resources

Complete your knowledge with this catalogue of our partners Institution’s online online resources (publications, articles, libraries, etc). This catalogues is constantly being updated with new contributions from UNWTO TedQual Certified institutions, UNWTO Affiliate members, and other collaborating institutions and organizations.

The material as well as any other information provided on the UNWTO Academy Website is provided on an “as is” an “as available” basis.
The Website may contain material, information and resources from external websites. Hyperlinks to external Internet sites are provided for the User’s convenience only and do not imply an official endorsement of UNWTO at those sites, or any associated organization, product or service. 
UNWTO explicitly disclaims any responsibility for the content of such material, information or resources provided or processed.

External webinars:

Recorded Webinar: XXI Century Tourism: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities

  • Expert : Valeria Croce
  • Language: English

Recorded Webinar: Leeds Beckett University - UNESCO World Heritage Day

  • Language: English
  • Expert : Dr Simon Woodward

Recorded Webinar: MeTourism: Communication Perspectives

  • Institution: USI - Università della Svizzera Italiana
  • Language: English

Recorded Webinar: Viajar por el gusto

  • Language: Spanish
  • Expert: Marisa Carbajal

Recorded Webinar: Los ritos de hospitalidad en la experiencia gastronómica del viajero, el caso nahua bajo el paradigma de la memética

  • Language: Spanish
  • Expert: Marisa Carbajal

Recorded Webinar: Comensalidad y Turismo Gastronómico

  • Language: Spanish
  • Expert: Marisa Carbajal

Recorded Webinar: Cultura Cervecera

  • Language: Spanish
  • Expert: Marisa Carbajal

Recorded Webinar Uncovering the Invisible Burden of Tourism in the Caribbean

  • Language: English

Recorded Webinar : Le Tourisme durable comme vecteur d’une stratégie nationale ou locale d’économie

  • Language : French
  • Institution : Institution de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD) - OIF
  • Expert : Madina REGNAULT

Recorded Webinar : Les politiques de coopération internationale en matière de tourisme : le cas des PEID

  • Language: French
  • Institution: Institution de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD) - OIF
  • Expert : Madina REGNAULT

Digital Resources



      Towards neZEH hotels - Benefits, Steps, and Guidelines. neZEH Training material for hoteliers

      English | French | Romanian | Greek | Swedish

      Designing a nearly Zero Energy renovation project in hotels, neZEH Training material for building professionals

      English | French | Greek Italian | Swedish

      UN Women Training Centre

      UN Women eCampus (Language: English)

      Manual on Training For Gender Equality (Language: English)

      Universidade Lusófona

      University of Lusofona School of Economic Sciences and Organisations

      Journeys of the Tourism Department (Language: Portuguese)

      How to Travel Nowhere by Going Everywhere

      How to Travel Nowhere by Going Everywhere” why culturally irresponsible tourism is hara-kiri tourism, Arato Miguel & Dhers Frantz & Payo Guiomar (Type:  Article)

      ICTA -  International Community Tourism Association

      ICTA -  International Community Tourism Association

      Resilience and Recovery of Tourism Communities
      Language : English
      Experts : Prof. Mat Som; Prof. Pereiro ; Ms. Daengnoy; Prof. Morais; Prof. Vafadari and Dr. Soltan


      Center for Tourism Research Wakayama University

      Vol.1 COVID: Travel and Tourism
      Vol.2 Recovering sustainably, global lessons for Japan’s tourism industry
      Vol.3 Tourism, sustainability and de-growth
      Vol.4 Decarbonising academic conference travel

      Language :  English
      Youtube channel

      Universidad del Magdalena


      Universidad del Magdalena

      Efectos Del Covid-19 En Los Prestadores Y Destinos Turísticos Colombianos (Grupos Y Cadenas Hoteleras)
      Language: Spanish
      Experts:Juan Manuel Mora Palacios,Julieth Lizcano Prada,Catalina Muñoz Escobar Y Humberto Calabria Arrieta

      Plan De Mitigación Para La Hotelería En General En Época De Covid 19
      Language: Spanish
      Experts: Ivan Restrepo Restrepo Y Humberto Calabria Arrieta

      Efectos Del Covid-19 En Los Prestadores Y Destinos Turísticos Colombianos (Grupos Y Cadenas Hoteleras)
      Language : Spanish
      Experts: Juan Pablo Mariño Jiménez,Camilo Botero Saltarén,Nohora Elizabeth Alfonso Bernal,Beatriz Helena Díaz Solano,Alejandro Martínez Carvajal,María Fernanda Espinel Villegas, Julieth Lizcano Prada Y Freddy Vargas Leyra.