CAF Decisions

CAF Recommendations


Our mission is to support and assist UN Tourism African members and other stakeholders from the region in their efforts to develop their tourism industry as a catalyst for sustainable economic and social development, and ensuring that the members fully benefit from the services of the organization.


  • Ensure the implementation of UN Tourism’s General Programme of Work within the region.
  • Serve as UN Tourism's direct channel through which the national, regional and local tourism development needs and concerns of the member States are communicated to the Secretariat.
  • Strengthen the institutional capacity of African countries in various domains such as sustainable development of tourism, statistics, human resources development, marketing and promotion, information and communication technologies, in order to make them more competitive in the global tourism marketplace.
  • Promote the image and the importance of tourism throughout the region, as a strategic sector for the socio-economic development of African countries, thus contributing to poverty reduction.
  • Promote the UN Tourism ST-EP (Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty) initiative along with the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals for the benefit of African countries.
  • Increase full and affiliate membership of countries and the private sector through the strengthening of UN Tourism's presence in the region.