MyAfrica - Dibblex Lesalon - Kenya
Dibblex Lesalon - Kenya
1. Why do you choose to work in tourism or in field related to tourism?
Hello everyone, my name is Dibblex Lesalon and I am from Kenya. The reason why I chose to work in the tourism industry is my passion and love for people and wildlife. I remember when I was growing up in a small town in Narok which is bordering Maasai Mara national reserve, my parents used to take us for game drives and also school trips when I was in primary school. And I remember just seeing the animals in nature, interacting with the local people, the Maasai and that really sparked an interest in me to just want to be in nature, to see wildlife, interact with local people and see how they do their way of life.
2. How has tourism helped you to grow?
Over the years and up to now until Covid, I have held various roles in the tourism and hospitality industry in Kenya. What I really love most about travel and tourism, is the little interactions that I got to have with both local and international tourists. Just hearing their stories and just listening to them on why they want to travel to see nature, to be with nature, to see local people, to live like a local when they come here, that really is everything to me. Right now I produce my own podcast which is called travel local podcast. My main aim is to empower local voices and stories in the travel world. Raise awareness about conservation, about wildlife, about local communities and the benefits they have when it comes to conservation. Because you will find that most of these communities are living near protected areas. Basically I am using this space to raise awareness and to just put people’s stories out there.
Travel has really taught me that very little is needed to make a happy life and also travel has taught me to respect the diversity, to respect the culture, to respect people and how they do their life. Because when you travel you tend to meet very different people, you tend to interact with people who have various different mindsets and that humbles you. For me, that is it. Diversity and inclusion is a big thing and that is what I respect about the travel and tourism industry.
3. In 3 words describe Africa as a diverse tourist destination.
I would describe Africa as rich, vibrant, and authentic in culture, traditions, and in natural resources. Thank you so much.