Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the December Edition of the Newsletter, which focuses on the latest developments achieved by the Affiliate Members Department and future events and initiatives carried out by the UNWTO, the Affiliate Members Department, and the Affiliate Members themselves.

Also included is the updated calendar of events for the second half of 2022, including UNWTO events and those carried out by or with the participation of our Affiliate Members.

On November 17, we held the 2nd meeting of the Committee on Matters Related to Affiliate Membership (CMAM). Moderated by the Chair of the CMAM, Félix de Paz (Spain), the meeting included the presentation of the "Latest developments and activities of the Affiliate Membership", followed by the endorsement of the Affiliate Members Programme of Work (PoW): 2023, which includes a strategy for quality-oriented & geographically balanced expansion of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership. Furthermore, the new candidatures for the Membership have been revised and submitted for the approval of the Executive Council.

Key topics for the Membership have been brought up to the attention of the 117th Executive Council (Marrakesh, Morocco on 23-25 November), by the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members, Ms. Mar de Miguel, and the Chair of the CMAM: Spain, in their respective reports. On this occasion, the new candidatures for the Affiliate Membership have been approved. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all 18 new Affiliate Members!

We are looking forward to working closely with all of you and building together a better tourism sector that benefits all societies and communities around the world.

Regarding the events and initiatives organized by the Affiliate Members Department, I am proud to inform you that on December 1-2, in collaboration with Comunidad de Madrid, we hosted the 1st Experts Meeting on Cultural Tourism. The debate counted on the valuable expertise of 17 experts on cultural tourism from all over the world, who engaged in insightful debate to formulate solutions to the current challenges of cultural tourism.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu