AM NEWS | VOL. 58 October 2023

AM NEWS | VOL. 58 October 2023

Dear Affiliate Members,
I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and our Affiliate Members network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2023, featuring the main UNWTO events and those carried out by our Affiliate Members, with the participation of the Affiliate Members Department or the UNWTO.

October brings us an agenda filled with events. As you know, this month UNWTO will be celebrating the 25th UNWTO General Assembly, on 16-20 October, in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The General Assembly aims to discuss the UNWTO programme of work and to debate topics of vital importance to the tourism sector.

In this context, will take place the 44th Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members, 16 October. This is the most important statutory meeting for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership and will bring together Affiliate Members from all around the world to meet, discuss, share, and interact around a variety of topics and set the roadmap for the Affiliate Membership's priorities for the next years. On the occasion of the Plenary Session, it also scheduled a special recognition to some of our longest-standing Affiliate Members, for their proven commitment to UNWTO during more than 30 years of successful membership.

Additionally, during the General Assembly, the Affiliate Members Department will organize a Thematic Session for Affiliate Members. This discussion will provide insights into how new cooperation models between different tourism stakeholders are being put into motion, as well as UNWTO Affiliate Members’ overall capacity and contributions to fulfill UNWTO’s agenda and mission. More information about this session will soon be available on the AMConnected platform.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude for the overwhelming engagement and the significant number of proposals we received from our Affiliate Members in response to the Call for Proposals for UNWTO's General PoW 2024- 2025. We are excited to put these visionary initiatives into action and collaborate closely with our Affiliate Members, reinforcing the Organization's mission to build a more sustainable tourism industry.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities. As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu