AM News | VOL. 73 - February 2025 | Special Edition FITUR

AM News | VOL. 73 - February 2025 | Special Edition FITUR

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce the latest edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthlypublication will keep you updated on the latest news, events, and initiatives related to yourmembership and the Affiliate Members network. Also included is a provisional calendar ofevents for 2025, featuring key UN Tourism events.

This particular edition of the Newsletter will have a specific focus on FITUR 2025. With over 255,000 visitors, including 155,000 professionals, and 9,500 companies from 156countries, FITUR reaffirmed its position as a global hub for the tourism industry. The eventgenerated an impressive €445 million in economic impact for Madrid, underscoring the vitalrole tourism plays in driving economic growth and development.

For UN Tourism and its Affiliate Members, this international tourism fair provided aninvaluable platform to advance our shared goals. From the launch of the report “ArtificialIntelligence Adoption in Tourism – Key Considerations for Sector Stakeholders” to insightfulpresentations on targeting traveler segments during a new edition of the Affiliate MembersCorner, we showcased the innovative ideas and collaborative efforts shaping the future oftourism.

I am especially grateful to the many Affiliate Members who actively participated in ourevents and bilateral meetings, sharing best practices, forging new partnerships, anddemonstrating the strength of our network. Together, we are building a more sustainable,innovative, and inclusive tourism ecosystem.

As we continue into 2025—a landmark year celebrating the 50th Anniversary of UN Tourism—I invite you to stay connected through the AMConnected+ platform, where you can findupdates, resources, and opportunities to collaborate with other valued members.

From the Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department, we remaincommitted to supporting your projects and initiatives to the best of our abilities. We welcomeyour comments and feedback at any time.

Ion VilcuDirector