AM Newsletter Volumen 19. May 2020

AM Newsletter Volumen 19. May 2020

First of all, I hope all of you are doing well during these hard times. The COVID-19 pandemic is above all a health crisis that requires decisive and consistent actions to flatten the curve and stop the spread of the virus. However, it also has significant socio-economic implications not only for the tourism sector as a whole, but also for friends and colleagues whose livelihood and wellbeing depend on tourism, who are experiencing very challenging times.

As you all are aware, UNWTO, in close collaboration with other relevant UN Agencies and the private sector, has taken a strong stance and leadership to minimize all the imposed challenges while setting the framework for tourism stakeholders to be part of the global solutions. During the past weeks, we have shared with our Affiliate Members the main activities and initiatives carried out by the Organization on a daily basis, through our dedicated interactive platform AMConnected.

It is worth recalling that the Global Tourism Crisis Committee - a mechanism of coordination among Members States, the UN system and the private sector - held another meeting on April 16, and the inputs received from all the Affiliate Members have been convened through the institutional representation of the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members.

At the same time, from our Department we have invited the Affiliate Members to share with us their initiatives and thoughts in order to incorporate the most valuable inputs into the ongoing exchange of information and debate. I would like to take the opportunity to encourage you to continue to share with us measures and initiatives you have envisaged to tackle the challenges at this stage and your prospect plans.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comment you may have.

Ion Vilcu