Dear Affiliate Member,
I hope all of you and your families are in good health during this difficult and unprecedented context. The COVID-19 crisis is still far from being over and, unfortunately, we are all aware that its socio-economic implications will be suffered heavily and for long time, especially in the tourism sector. For this reason, I would like to convey a message of hope and solidarity to all my colleagues who are experiencing such challenging times.
The UNWTO Secretary General Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili said that “Tourism will again partner with recovery for livelihoods, and more resilient societies. We will restore confidence only by working together”. This is the only way the tourism sector can drive economies back towards growth and start rebuilding our societies.
In order to do that, UNWTO is working closely with other UN Agencies and the private sector and has taken a strong leadership to boost the recovery of the sector through the work of the Global Tourism Crisis Committee. After several months of hard work and thanks to the contribution of all the members of the group, the Global Guidelines for the restart of tourism were published and you can find them in the AMConnected platform. These global guidelines identified the main priorities for the recovery and addresses the main subsectors of the tourism industry. Moreover, they reflect some of the most valuable initiatives we received from our Affiliate Members.
Furthermore, It is worth recalling that the UNWTO has released a Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package, designed to support governments, the private sector and donor agencies to face this unprecedented emergency. The package is structured around three main pillars: economic recovery, marketing and promotion, and institutional strengthening and resilience building.
At the same time, from our Department we have kept inviting the Affiliate Members to share with us their initiatives and thoughts in order to incorporate the most valuable inputs into the ongoing debate. Moreover, we have started publishing, on a regular basis, on our interactive platform AMConnected an Update Report including the most valuable initiatives.
I would like to take the opportunity to encourage you to continue to share with us measures and initiatives you have envisaged to tackle the challenges at this stage and your prospect plans.
As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comment you may have.
Ion Vilcu