June 27, 2016

The ST-EP Foundation and the Korean Tourism Organization (KTO) support UNWTO projects in Africa

Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement signed in January 2016, the Korean Tourism Organization (KTO) and the ST-EP Foundation will support projects in eight countries, five of which in Africa: Ghana, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The project in Ghana aims to improve visitor facilities and services in the Nzulezu stilt village (Western Region), conserve the natural and cultural heritage of the site, and build capacities of local people providing goods and services to tourists with a view to attracting more visitors and creating job and income opportunities for the local people.

In Tunisia, the project will support Tunisia’s tourism recovery and thus employment in the sector, in particular for poorer groups of the society, by strengthening the image of the country as a preferred tourism destination through an innovative international image campaign.

Developing accommodation facilities, a local museum and excursions at the Kisizi falls to enhance opportunities for local people from tourism development is the objective of the project being implemented in Uganda.

In Zambia and Zimbabwe, a tourism resource centre will be built and a community swimming pool refurbished in Livingstone and in Victoria Falls, respectively, as part of the ST-EP Initiative and as a way of commemorating the UNWTO General Assembly held in the two cities in August 2013. 

Arrangements to launch the projects have been made in the first months of 2016, and it is the intention to successfully complete project activities by the second semester of 2016