International Seminar: Multidestination Opportunities for Regional Integration

International Seminar: Multidestination Opportunities for Regional Integration

18 - 19 May, 2015

A multi-destination tourism trip is defined as a single trip that includes the visit to more than one destination. Therefore, a multi-destination tourism concept implies a strategy shared by two or more countries that offer and promote a joint product or route.

Increasingly, multi-destination can be an efficient and profitable tool to attract visitors that might otherwise not consider visiting the destination. This is particularly true in the case of tourists from long-haul source markets, who want to make the best of a long-haul trip by combining various countries in the same area that complement each other and enrich the travel experience. Read more...

For further information about the 58th UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas, please click here.

In order to see the presentations, click on the respective links below:

Basic Introductory Report, Prof. Donald Hawkins

Panel 1a: The role of the industry operators

Pierre Chauvet, President Director-General, Agence Citadelle, Haiti

Luis Molina, President, Association of Receptive Tourism Operators (OPTURH), Honduras

Yari Ying, Destination Manager, Dom Rep Tours, Dominican Republic

Denise Reyes, Vice-President, OPETUR, Dominican Republic

Panel 1b: The role of the hospitality industry

Richard Buteau, General Manager, Hotel Karibe, Haiti

Manuel Quiterio Cedeño, Communications Director, Hotel and Tourism Association (ASONAHORES), Dominican Republic

Gonzalo del Peón, President, AM Resorts, USA

Agnes Pierre-Louis, Director, Le Plaza Hotel, Haiti

Oliver Singer, Director of Sales & Development - Europe and Africa, Decameron Hotels & Resorts

Presentation: The necessary adaption of the tourist offer to aging of Western society, Michel Trudel, KÉROUL, Canada

Panel 2: A strong regional integration system: Air and land connectivity & travel facilitation

Carlos Vogeler, Director Executive-Secretary of Member Relations and Regional Director for the Americas, UNWTO

Richard Sealy, Minister of Tourism and International Transport, Barbados

Alain St. Ange, Minister of Tourism and Cultur, Seychelles

Radhames Martínez Aponte, Vice Minister of Tourism, Dominican Republic

Obediah Wilchcombe, Minister of Tourism, Bahamas

Nildamarie Díaz-Hiraldo, Assistant Director a.i., Puerto Rico Tourism Company (PRTC)

María del Carmen de Reparaz, Vice Minister of Tourism, Peru

Panel 3: Financing tourism infrastructures: The role of the development banks and the regional organizations

Kesner Pharel, CEO & Chairman, Group Croissance S.A, Haiti

Maxime D. Charles, President, Association of Private Banks and Scotiabank, Haiti

Jean-Marc Bourreau, COO, Director of Aviation, IOS Partners, Costa Rica

Manorma Soeknandan, Deputy Secretary-General, CARICOM, Guyana

Adela Moreda, Tourism Lead Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), USA

Panel 4: Multidestination product development

Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, Minister of Tourism and Creative Industries, Haiti

Hugh Riley, Secretary-General, Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), Barbados

Edmund Bartlett, Chairman & Co-Founder, CTICO, Jamaica

Anasha Campbell, Secretary, Central American Tourism Integration Secretariat (SITCA), Nicaragua

Julio Orozco, Director, Sustainable Tourism, Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Trinidad & Tobago

Panel 5: The importance of tourism routes as part of regional cooperation agreements

Wykeham McNeill, Minister of Tourism and Entertainment, Jamaica

Sandra Howard, Vice MInister of Tourism, Colombia

Marcela Bacigalupo, Minister of Tourism, Paraguay

Maru Acevedo, Deputy Director, Guatemala Tourism Institute (INGUAT), Guatemala

Alejandro Varela, Deputy Regional Director for the Americas, UNWTO

Presentation of study: Improving competitiveness in the Caribbean tourism sector through ICT-based innovatinos, Antonio López de Ávila, President, SEGITTUR

Presentation: Strengthening regional image for the benefit of multidestination, Anita Mendiratta, Lead Consultant, T.A.S.K. Group, CNN International, and Petra Malenicka, Senior Vice President, CNN International