Sustainable Tourism on the New Urban Agenda

Sustainable Tourism on the New Urban Agenda

16 October, 2016
One UN Pavillion ,Quito,ec

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), at the kind invitation of the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador and Habitat III, the United Nations Confernce on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, has organized  the UNWTO side event Habitat III: Sustainable Tourism on the New Urban Agenda Sunday 16 October 2016, Quito, Ecuador


  • The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has organized the UNWTO side event "Sustainable Tourism on the New Urban Agenda" on Sunday 16 October 2016 in Quito, to highlight the 17 key themes for Sustainable Tourism in Urban Areas
  • To create a platform on which local citizens, stakeholders and governments are involved and engaged in the tourism development process to safeguard the implemention of socially and cross-culturally beneficial practices in tourism
  • To ensure that they equally benefit from the positive economic and social impact of tourism and at the same time mitigate any negative impacts 
  • To explore ways to improve transparency, knowledge and professionalism and prioritize the quality of life, safety and security for the local citizens equally with the visitors


  • Local authorities, municipalities and international and/ or regional associations/networks of local authorities
  • Public authorities in charge of transport and technical and social infrastructure
  • Academic institutions, scientists and experts related to city tourism research
  • Urban planners, architects
  • International official development assistance agencies and NGOs

For more information or questions please contact Mr. Sascha Stange