First Asia Cooperation Dialogue Ministerial Meeting on Tourism

First Asia Cooperation Dialogue Ministerial Meeting on Tourism

28 - 29 August, 2016
Kaya Laleh Park Hotel,Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Province,ir

Asia plays an overriding and pivotal role in the further expansion of the Tourism industry and acts as the main driving force for the expansion of the world tourism market. The 65 percent surge of Asian outbound Tourists during the last decade and the continuance of its expansion during the coming years ahead along with an ever increasing 34 percent of International tourists to Asia has positioned this continent as the significant tourism market in the world. Taking this fact into account, Tourism plays a crucial role in sustainable social, cultural, environmental and economic growth and expansion of the Asian nations. Doing so, a cohesive and constructive cooperation among Asian countries is vitally recommended.

In alignment with realizing this desire, Islamic Republic of Iran toward bringing about more cohesive common bonds among Asian communities and in order to fortify the visions and aims of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue will hold the Ministerial Meeting on Tourism to be attended by key representatives from the tourism sectors. This meeting aims to unify and forge common grounds of cooperating regulations and to increase the level of cooperation in the ancient continent of Asia.

While focusing on the future prospective of the tourism industry in Asia, this meeting will work on required functional and structural bases mostly needed for sustainable development of the tourism sector within the framework of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue.

The meeting will be scheduled for two days (Invitation Only for Member States for Asian Cooperation Dialogue). On 29 August 2016, senior officials will meet to discuss, share ideas on the issue and prepare the documents which will be handed over to the Ministerial meeting to be held on the following day on 30 August 2016.

For more details, please visit the below web site.

The focal points of this conference are as follows:

Mr. Ali Sheikhan
Tel: +98-21-88949017
Fax: +98-21-88949117

Mr. Seyed Ali Saleh Pour
Tel: +98-21-6658 2014
Fax: +98-21-665 82171