International Workshop on Pakistan Tourism

28 - 30 January, 2018


Even though Pakistan has abundant and diversified tourist resources it has not played its role on the global tourism stage. The organizing of the tourism event in Pakistan will be a great opportunity to showcase the current situation of Pakistan tourism development and to further strengthen the collaboration between UNWTO and PTDC.


The workshop is designed to:

  • Understand the current tourism development situation of Pakistan
  • Promote the development of adventure tourism, religious tourism, recreation tourism as well as culture and heritage tourism in Pakistan
  • Enhance and the collaboration between UNWTO and Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation

The workshop is specifically designed to:

  • Review the current quality and standard of the country’s tourism product, both existing and potential, in terms of its diversity (natural, cultural, recreational).
  • Analyse past and present tourist patterns to the country and understand the current domestic, regional and international image of the country as a tourism destination.


The following format is designed to conduct the workshop:

  • Keynote presentation
  • Technical presentation
  • Panel discussion
  • Interactive Q&A session moderated by expert
  • Conclusions


  • Local officials from PTDC and other tourism-related authorities
  • Representatives from local private and public tourism-related sectors
  • Official from UNWTO
  • UNWTO invited expert

Outcome and Output

  • Raising awareness of the importance of tourism development in Pakistan;
  • Better understanding of the tourism resources and products related to infrastructure, transportation, accommodation and human resources;
  • Final report of the workshop with conclusions and recommendations;
  • Compilation of presentation materials made by the participants during the workshop.
  • An enhanced level of understanding on the needs of necessary collaboration between UNWTO and Pakistan;

DOCUMENTS (to be updated soon)

Preliminary Programme


  1. Keynote presentation on Tourism Trends by Mr. Harry Hwang, Deputy Director, Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific, UNWTO
  2. Keynote presentation by Mr. George Drakopoulos, UNWTO Expert
  3. National Tourism Development of Pakistan by Mr. Aftab Ur Rehman Rana, President, Sustainable Tourism Foundation of Pakistan
  4. Sports Tourism in Pakistan by Group Captain Aamir Nawaz, Director Sports, Pakistan Air Force
  5. Gandhara and Prospects of Religious Tourism in Pakistan by Dr. Rafiullah Khan, Assistant Professor, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, Quaid-i-Azam University

UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

- General Information

Mr. Yang LI

Regional Programme for Asia-Pacific

EMAIL: asia@unwto.org
Tel: +34 91 567 8100 (extension 277)