UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and Sports

UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and Sports

22 - 24 September, 2016
Novotel Danang Premier Han River Hotel,Da Nang,vn

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) will organize the International Conference on Tourism and Sports jointly with the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports in Da Nang City of Vietnam from 23 to 25 September 2016. The Conference will take place at Novotel Danang Premier Han River Hotel.

Tourism and sports are two social phenomena in the 21st century that mobilise millions of people the world over. They are two sectors that complement each other and share common goals such as forging understanding and closer relations between peoples of different cultures and lifestyles; and contributing to the promotion of peace among nations. Together, tourism and sport also represent the most powerful economic driving force of society today with enormous potential to generate a very wide-range of economic spin-offs. 

In light of this, we invite you to join the International Conference on Tourism and Sports which is being held within the framework of the 5th Asian Beach Games, to highlight the inter connection between tourism and sports and their contribution to sustainable socio-economic development in Asia-Pacific countries.

We look forward to welcoming you in Da Nang City, Vietnam.


For registration, please kindly complete the below registration form and return it to the following conference coordinators by 09th September 2016.

Conference Coordinators

UNWTO Coordinator
Ms. Christine Brew
Senior Programme Assistant, UNWTO Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific
E-mail: asia3@unwto.org
Tel: +34 915678192
Fax: 915713733

Host Country Coordinator
Mr. Dinh Ngoc Duc
Director General, Tourism Marketing Department
Email: dinhngocduc@vietnamtourism.gov.vnbuilanchi90.gmail.comthuylinh.vnat@gmail.com
Tel: +844 39423760 / ext 172 / ext 173 / ext 122
Fax: +844 39424115 / 39426860



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