UNWTO Regional Conference on Tourism Development in Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites
31 October - 02 November, 2013
UNWTO and the Government of Cambodia are jointly organizing the Regional Conference on Tourism Development in Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites, from 1 to 3 November 2013 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The conference will bring together representatives of UNWTO Member States both in the Asia Pacific Region and internationally. This event will be a forum for tourism authorities, experts and practitioners to discuss and review opportunities and challenges of sustainable tourism at Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites.
Aims and objectives of the conference:
- Showcase the cultural, natural and historical richness and heritage of the Asian Region
- Present case studies and country experiences on successful policies, guidelines for sustainable sites management preservation and strategies for cultural tourism development.
Conference Documents:
- Invitation letter
- Programme
- General information note
- Registration form
- List of participants
- Conference declaration
Presentations of the Conference:
Session 1
- Dr. Peou Hang, APSARA Authority - Water Management to assure the Sustainable Tourism Development in Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia
- Mr. Sounh Manivong, Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, Lao PDR - Managing Tourism In Luang Prabang World Heritage City
- Mr. Blaise Kilian, UNESCO - Managing Heritage and Tourism at Angkor
- Mr. James Rebanks, UNESCO - Managing tourism to create more effective and sustainable destinations
Session 2
- Mr. Graham Brooks, UNWTO Expert - Communicating heritage: a manual for the tourism sector
- Dr. Touch Hab, Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts on the Cultural Heritage Management in Cambodia - Community Based Heritage Tourism for Banteay Chmar Temple & Its Contribution to Effective and Sustainable Site Management
- Dr. Khin Sein Maung, Myanmar Tourism Federation - Communicating Heritage: A Component of the Tourism Experience
- Mr. Sok Sangvar, Inter-ministerial Committee for Clean City - Developing and Implementing a Visitor Code of Conduct in Angkor World Heritage Site
Session 3
- Dr. Samouth Neb, Inter-ministerial Committee for Clean City - Cambodia’s Endeavour in Green Tourism Development.
- Mr. Kim Nong, Ministry of Environment - Strategic Management for the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve Conservation and Protection
- Dr. Suwanna Gauntlet, Wildlife Alliance - Management Strategy for Chi Phat Community-based Ecotourism Development and Conservation by Cambodia
- Mr. Thok Sokhom, Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia - Summary on Development of ASEAN CBT Standards
Session 4
- Mr. Mounir Bouchenaki, UNESCO - UNESCO with Tourism and World Heritage
- Ms. Vattho Tep, APSARA Authority - Management of Siem Reap City for the Sustainable Development of tourism
- Mr. Ryoichi Matsuyama, Japan National Tourism Organization - Tourism Development in Japanese Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites
- Dr. Bill Carter, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia - Making heritage sites meaningful
- Mr. Yu Byung-Chae, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea - Tourism Development in Heritage Sites
- Mr. Randy Durband, Chair, Global Sustainable Tourism Council - Global Standards for Sustainability in Travel & Tourism
- Mr. Jens Thraenhart, Digital Innovation Asia - Digital Innovation Asia