Bangladesh to Strengthen Collaboration with UNWTO
Bangladesh and UNWTO have promised to strengthen their collaboration efforts following a meeting between Minister of Tourism Muhammad Faruk Khanand and UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai in Madrid on the 31st of January, on the occasion of the Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR).
Bangladesh, which has recently established the Bangladesh Tourism Board as the nation´s National Tourism Organization, has identified tourism to be a promising sector of the economy and pledged to work together with UNWTO to ensure that the development of the sector brings maximum benefits to the country.
¨Bangladesh truly believes in the UN system, ¨ emphasized Minister Faruk Khanand. ¨We need to maximize our relationship with UNWTO.¨
Mr. Rifai encouraged the Minister to make the most of his country´s tourism potential: “Tourism is a sector that can make a tremendous difference. Asia’s tourism is booming, and UNWTO can help you to maximize these opportunities.¨
The Secretary-General also noted the importance of creating a unique experience for visitors, and ensuring that the benefits created by tourism flow back into the local community.
With the Bangladesh Tourism Board now in place, a good foundation has been laid for public/private partnerships within the sector. As noted by Minister Faruk Khanand, it is now time for the country to prioritize next steps in developing its tourism.
In this regard, Mr. Rifai offered UNWTO´s readiness to work together more closely, signifying a renewal of UNWTO´s relationship with the country.