UNWTO / PATA Tourism Updates Issue 3
December 25, 2015

UNWTO / PATA Tourism Updates Issue 3

UNWTO and PATA are happy to present the 3rd edition of the Tourism Updates. As with the two preceding editions the main objectives of these bi-monthly tourism updates are identified as follows:

  • To synthesize and summarize the impact of external factors on the travel and tourism sector, specifically in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • To highlight the major external factors impacting tourism trends in Asia and the Pacific region such as IT impact, important social media, political issues and the like.
  • To analyze the key changing tourism trends associated with the external factors mentioned above.
  • To raise awareness of the post-2015 Development Agenda which includes the new 17-point set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), from attaining gender equality to growing urbanization and promoting inclusive society that have a potentially huge impact on tourism.
  • Tourism related/specific SDGs

It is noteworthy that the United Nations declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

Tourism in Asia and the Pacific has been growing above the average of the global trends and is fast increasing its share of the market which is estimated to reach 30% in 2030 from the current 23%. However, economic and financial stability of the world market is a prerequisite for tourism growth and this factor is dealt with in detail in this 3rd edition as outlined by the UNCTAD conference held in Geneva on the 6th October 2015. Other subjects having a bearing on Asia Pacific tourism that will catch the eye of tourism stakeholders include youth employment, the role of women in peace and security, sustainable energy tracking process in the region, transport projects bridging South Asia and Southeast Asia as advocated by the Asian Development Bank, amongst others.

UNWTO wishes its readers a Merry X’Mas and a Happy New Year! 


UNWTO / PATA Tourism Updates Issue 3