The Indian Outbound Travel Market with Special Insight into the Image of Europe as a Destination

The Indian Outbound Travel Market with Special Insight into the Image of Europe as a Destination

India is one of the fastest-growing outbound travel markets in the world. International tourism departures from India have grown from 3.7 million in 1997 to 9.8 million in 2007 and international tourism expenditures have increased from US1.3 billion in 1997 to US 8.2 billion in 2008.
With more than 1.1 billion inhabitants and GDP increasing by more than 8% every year, the country offers enormous potential for future growth in outbound travel. Recognizing the importance of this market, the European Travel Commission (ETC) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) have undertaken detailed research on the Indian Outbound market.
The Indian Outbound Travel Market with Special Insight into the Image of Europe as a Destination, covers issues such as travellers’ behaviour and patterns – destination choice, purpose of travel, spending, holiday activities, market segmentation, like air transport, the profile and structure of the travel trade, as well as the media or internet use trends. The report also sets out comprehensive recommendations on how to best promote a destination in the Indian market.