Study on Chinese Outbound Travel to Africa

While regions such as Europe, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas and the Middle East enjoy their fair share of the tourism cake, Africa still only accounts for five percent of international tourist arrivals worldwide. Tourists who visit Africa from Asia represent only about 3% of the 47 million international tourists the continent receives. One of the reasons for this low traffic from Asia to Africa could be insufficient knowledge about how to tap into the growing Asian source markets.
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is intending to undertake a series of studies primarily to enable African destinations to better understand the Asian tourist consumers´ behaviour and needs. This will in turn serve as an effective marketing tool for attracting and increasing tourist flows from Asia to Africa. China has been the first focus of attention for a number of strategic reasons; over the last decade, China has consolidated its status as Asia’s largest outbound tourism market. This is in line with UNWTO’s projection that by 2020, China will become the largest tourist receiving country and the fourth largest source of outbound travel in the world with 100 million outbound travellers. Besides, China has signed bilateral agreements with a number of African countries as well as has Approved Destination Status.