ETC-UNWTO E-marketing Masterclass: Optimise your skills in developing, integrating, evaluating E-marketing strategy and tactics

ETC-UNWTO E-marketing Masterclass: Optimise your skills in developing, integrating, evaluating E-marketing strategy and tactics

22 - 23 October, 2013

The UNWTO-ETC e-marketing master class will be the occasion for the official launch of the brand new ETC-UNWTO ¨Handbook on e-marketing for tourism destinations – fully revised and extended version 3.0¨.

The master class aims to coach tourism professionals in optimising the integration of e-marketing into their strategies operations and planning, and take full advantage of the opportunities it offers, striving for excellence in e-marketing to manage strong brands in a dynamic digital environment. The master class will involve and engage participants and build on latest insights in trends and opportunities, with special attention to social media, mobile marketing and the measurement and evaluation of e-marketing activities.

The UNWTO-ETC e-marketing master class will gather renowned experts and key industry representatives to share their views on current practices in e-marketing for tourism destinations. During this two-day event, experts and participants will discuss trends, challenges and opportunities in e-marketing techniques for tourism destinations.