10th Annual Convention on Tourism & Water - Mutual Symbiotism

10 - 24 September, 2013
B-Block, II Floor,Noida,in

Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism (AITT), of Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Noida, is the First Indian University to be UN TedQual Certified celebrates World Tourism Day every year in line with the theme given by UNWTO. The main objective of celebration of World Tourism Day is to foster awareness amongst the International & National Community of the importance of Tourism and Water and in order to underline Tourism Responsibility and needed commitment in preserving the World Most Vital Natural Resources Water. The Celebrations commenced from 11 Sep 2013 with the German National Tourist Office workshop cum Lecture and will culminate on25th Sept 2013 10th Annual convention. A Series of activities were planned as a part of this Annual Celebration. The GNTO has announced their Theme as Germany For Youth for the year 2013 with a continued focus on Growth in India. As a part of the Campaign the German National Tourist Office has conducted a workshopcum Lecture at Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism for both our Post Graduate and Under Graduate Students.The Central Objective of this Workshop is to Produce Destination Management Specialists. This is a four Day Workshop Comprising Training followed by Presentations and Selection of our Students for Internship. A Inter University and Institutional Debate competiton will be Orgnised on 24th Sept 2013 in support of United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, World Tourism Day (WTD) 2013 is being held under the theme Tourism and Water: Protecting our Common Future. This year’s theme highlights tourism’s role in water access and shines a spotlight on the actions currently being taken by the sector in order to contribute to a more sustainable water future, as well as the challenges ahead. The Topic for the Debate Competition is “Can tourism be blamed for the over exploitation of water resources at the destination” The 1oth Annual Convention with the theme “Tourism and Water-mutual symbiotism” will commence on25th Sept with a Pre –Inaugural Session with an Introduction to the Convention by Prof Dr. M Sajnani Director AITT followed by Address by Dr. Ranjeet Mehta Secretary, Infrastructure, Tourism, Energy Housing and Urban Development, PHD chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ms. Ratna Chadha Chief Executive, TIRUN Travel Marketing, Mr. Niranjan Khatri, GM ITC –Welcome Group Environment Initiatives. The Inaugural Session will be presided over by the Chief Guest, Shri. Om Prakash Singh Ji, Cabinet Minister for Tourism, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh along with the Traditional Welcome and Invocation. This will be followed by Opening Address by Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh. The Guest of Honors Mrs. Kiran Mehra Kerpalman, Country Director, United Nation Information Centre will deliver the Key Note Address.This is followed by Address of Guest of Honour–Sh. Subhash Goyal, Chairman Stic Group of Companies and President of IATO -Sh. G. G. Saxena, IAS, MD & CEO, Delhi Tourism & Transport Development Corporation and by Sh. J B Singh, President and Chief Executive. Interglobe Technology Quotient Some thoughts by Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Hon’ble Founder President, RBEF and Amity Group of Educational & Research Institutions. The Mega Event will come to Conclusion with Award Ceremony, Corporate Leadership Awards Felicitation to Sponsors Prize Distribution of Debate Winners. The event is attended by a large number of leading Travel trade personalities to bless our students every year. The High Light of the World Tourism Day is Our Cultural Programme and Band Performance presented by the students of AITT, AUUP which includes a Contemporary Dance integrating the Five Elements of Nature, Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether. The Dance Emphasises on the Sustainability of Nature. Students plan to perform other cultural activities too. The Convention Concludes with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. S. K. Tiwari, Astt. Professor & Programme Leader, AITT, AUUP, Noida Followed by Corporate Lunch.