2015 Metro Manila Tourism Convention PAMANA: Unveiling the Cultural Heritage Significance of Intramuros

07 October, 2015
One Esplanade,Pasay City,ph

The Metro Manila Tourism Convention (MMTC) spearheaded by the Fourth Year students of Colegio de San Juan de Letran that aims to pilot the future tourism professionals on the field of meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions. Provide a good quality of service that will imprint to its recipients and witness the pioneers of the event. Moreover, showcasing different opportunities for the future tourism practitioners that will help them choose of what the industry engaged in. With the aid of MMTC, the events shall mold its members in a manner of how a true blooded Letranite produce a professional tourism individual. Pamana means heredity of a set of traditions, beliefs and achievements. Philippines are one of the countries that are blessed with culture heritage. Intramuros has been part of the heritage for a number of years and became the core and pride of Manila and the Philippines. It is known as the microcosm of the Philippines. Furthermore, held the seats of the country’s’ forefather’s government and its residence that defined its era. Pamana aims to administer the Intramuros’ heritage and cultural significance. For more information visit our website at www.mmtcletran.webs.com