Blackbook Traveler Website Beta Launch 'Travel Warnings Direct from Travelers'

26 September, 2013

For many people who travel from developed countries, where clean water is freely and easily accessible, Tourism has opened our eyes to the plight of destinations where getting water, let alone clean water is a daily challenge. In some destinations travelers can face problems in accessing clean water, sickness through consumption of contaminated water, water-borne diseases and mosquito-borne diseases via mosquitos that thrive in still water. All these issues serve to highlight problems and issues facing millions of people in countries around the world each day. On World Tourism Day, 2013 Blackbook Traveler is opening up it’s new world first Travel Safety, Security and Health website for beta launch. To help test the technology and generate some content for this user-generated site, we are initiating a ‘Call to Action’ from travelers around the world to visit www.blackbooktraveler.com and log a travel safety, security or health incident, such as a waterborne sickness or disease, they’ve experienced whilst travelling. The site also has a section for travelers to log and leave tributes to missing and deceased travelers. In keeping with the theme of World Tourism Day, we will also be posting the first subject on our World Travel Safety Forum entitled ‘Waterborne Diseases’ On registration Blackbook Traveler allows all travelers the option to receive email alerts for any Town or Country in the world for new incidents logged through the site for travel safety, security, health and missing/deceased travelers for that location. The site will also allow users to ‘tag’ particular travel groups relevant to the incident logged such as #Expats #TWD (Travelers with Disabilities) #TWC (Travel with Children) #NGO’s #Mountaineers #LGBTI etc Blackbook Traveler will run RSS feeds linking to the United States, United Kingdom, Canadian, Indian and Australian Government Travel Warnings and the World Health Organization. We look forward to seeing you on World Tourism Day, 2013!