Exhibit: Geographies of Communities

11 - 25 September, 2014
Riverside Arts Center,Ypsilanti,us

The Department of Geography and Geology's Geotourism Concentration at Eastern Michigan University is holding an art exhibit, “Geographies of Community”. The exhibit is going to be held at the Riverside Art Gallery, located at 76 N Huron Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan. The Exhibit will be open September 12-26, 2014. Three themes for the exhibit coincide with the UNWTO World Tourism Day themes from last year and this year: water, community, and tourism in my community. Students, faculty, and staff are asked to contribute original photos/art which represent some aspect of these themes with a short written caption of what they see in the photo. The official opening event is September 12, 2014 at 4 PM. Professor Kelly Victor-Burke (kvictor@emich.edu) will be providing a talk titled: "Why experiential learning matters: A case study of Geotourism in the Grand Traverse Region - Pure Michigan field course" for this event. Contact: Dr. Kim Kozak, Kkozak@emich.edu for more information.