A Forum on Effective Governance In Environmental Sustainability and Eco Tourism Development
Education and Advocacy is an essential component for promoting Sustainable Environment and Eco-tourism Development with emphasis on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction. Its effective and harmonious application can influence the direction of policy formulation and crafting of program intervention. Educating stakeholders on the ideal way of implementing these programs will foster greater appreciation and partnership towards conservation and protection of the environment, promotion of eco-tourism, and in understanding the science of the changing climate with emphasis on climate change mitigation and disaster risk reduction. The integration of this endeavor at the education levels will advance the strategy in mainstreaming policy and executive agenda, to avoid gridlock and to expedite services and programs with higher impact to community and the lives of the people. These will also promote interest in rallying a massive support from the different sector. Likewise, the participation of the private sector and among others will boost the resources for Education and Advocacy through the development of the different programs that demonstrate best practices in Sustainable Environment, Eco Tourism Development, and Climate Change. The maximization of the limited resources by means of mainstreaming agenda will foster great effort and will drum up support as vital instrument specially in penetrating the rural and far flung areas. This year’s eco forum series will harness the vast potential of technical experts ranging from government agencies, non-government institution, academe, and advocate to focus on the three modules of learning namely: Environmental Sustainability, Eco Tourism Development and Effective Governance. By understanding the correlation of these concerns, we can practically and effectively harness the vast potential of our environment for the promotion, protection, and growth of our community and our people. The Bridging Leaders for Sustainable Development Inc. along with other agencies and stakeholders has selected “Understanding the Science of A Changing Climate and Eco Tourism Development; A Vital Aid in Local Legislation “as this year’s one of the focused agenda for the 5th Eco-Forum 2014 (4thSeries this September 25-27, 2014 at the Eco Tech Convention Center, Dep.Ed Complex, Lahug, Cebu City Philippines. It is an annual series of assembly to discuss and ventilate relevant issues in environment, eco-tourism and climate change in the country.