Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort: Picture of Sustainability

27 September, 2012
Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort,Lake Placid,us

The Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort is the only resort in the country to receive the 5 leaf award from the Audubon Society. We are constantly striving to use as many sustainable energy practices as we can. On World Tourism Day 2012 we did a social photo campaign on Facebook displaying all the ways we work to sustain energy and encouraged others to do so as well. At different times throughout the day we displayed photos of our solar panels and green roof and also told stories about how we ended up switching to CFL lightbulbs. There were many responses and shares of the information that we believe stirred up awareness. We are making strives and advances in Sustaining energy every day so we are ecstatic about this year's theme. The Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort can't wait for next year's World Tourism Day!!