II International Seminar on Regional Tourism: Moving towards a Regional TSA approach

II International Seminar on Regional Tourism: Moving towards a Regional TSA approach

08 - 09 October, 2014

INRouTe, the International Network on Regional Economics, Mobility and Tourism (an initiative promoted by the UNWTO), CISET and CICtourGUNE prepared the II International Seminar on Regional Tourism: Moving towards a Regional TSA Approach, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Italian National Statistics Office (ISTAT) and Veneto Region.

This seminar took place:

 October 9th and 10th, 2014.
 Ca ‘Foscari Palaca – Baratto Room
Universitá Ca ‘Foscari
Venice, Italy

In this occasion the agenda was focused specifically on the following topics:

  • Regional Tourism Satellite Account (feasibility study and conceptual design)
  • Learning from R-TSA pioneers
  • The use of Household surveys for regional estimates of tourism flows and characteristics associated to visitors and trips

For more information about this seminar please click here.