Importance of Rain Water Harvesting at Agriculture Tourism Destinations- WORLD TOURISM DAY 2013
this event will be in line with the theme of the " WORLD TOURISM DAY 2013 " of TOURISM AND WATER... the program will start with planting local spices to trees by the hands of chief guests The full day conference on Importance of Rain Water Harvesting at Agri Tourism Destinations will be held at Baramati Agri & Rural Tourism Training Research & Development Center , Palshiwadi , Baramati, Maharashtra India Agenda: We are calling all stake holders who run and operate agri tourism centers all over the state of Maharashtra, India, including but not limited to farmers, academicians, journalists , transporters, destination management consultants , government offices, policy makers etc. The most of the agri tourism centers are run by local farmers , the water is used for agriculture and also for tourism purpose , there is stress on water use for both the purposes , hence it makes more sense to harvest rain water that can be used for tourism and as well as for agriculture purpose, with most advanced irrigation methods. the best example of rain water harvesting is Baramati Agri & Rural Tourism Training Research & Development Center , Palshiwadi. hence we are organizing the world tourism day event at the center itself so that the practical demonstration can be given to those who participate in the conference. we will also felicitate by " save water award 2013 " the state level award to those farmers who have done exceptional work in rain water harvesting throughout Maharashtra. 1000 hrs- Registration and plantation 1100 hrs to 1300 hrs - speakers will speak on importance of water. 1300 hrs to 1400 hrs- lunch 1430 hrs to 1600 hrs - speakers will speak on importance of rain water harvesting. 1700 hrs - " save water award 2013" distribution by chief guest. the program ends with taking pledge to save and harvest rain water at the agri tourism destination.