ITC/UNWTO Joint Activities at ITB Berlin 2016: Placing the Kayah State of Myanmar on the tourism map
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) partnered with the International Trade Centre (ITC) to promote the Kayah State of Myanmar at ITB Berlin 2016 (9-13 March 2016).
With the aim of promoting partnerships and business links among interested tourism stakeholders, a series of events and activities were held throughout the tourism and travel fair.
Additional Information
UNWTO Press Release available here (1 March 2016)
International Trade Centre (ITC) Press Release (7 March 2016)
ITB Berling Flyer - Discover Myanmar
Visit the Kayah Inclusive Tourism facebook page
List of Events
- Authenticity and Sustainability in Tourism in Booming Asian Regions: The Best Practice Example of Kayah State, Myanmar (Panel Session; Wednesday, 9 March 2016)
- Promotional Get-Together (Wednesday, 9 March 2016)
- Myanmar, Kayah State: an emerging community tourism destination (Community based tourism workshop; Thursday, 10 March 2016)
- Press Conference focused on Myanmar (Thursday, 10 March 2016)
- Golden City Gate Awards/ Das Goldene Stadttor (Thursday, 10 March 2016)
- Myanmar, Kayah State: new community tourism products & B2B meeting (Friday, 11 March 2016)
Additional information
All above events wereheld in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). For additional information, please contact silkroad@unwto.org
Activities held as part of the “NTF III Myanmar: Inclusive Tourism focussing on Kayah state project”. The “NTF III Myanmar” project is part of the Netherlands Trust Fund III programme funded by the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) and is implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC). Launched in August 2014, this inclusive tourism project aims to enhance job creation and socio-economic development in Myanmar through an inclusive tourism approach to benefit local communities. To learn more, click here