Responsible Tourist Awareness Campaign by Vasan Dental Care

26 September, 2014
Calicut Beach,Calicut,in

As a part of our Community Social Responsibility initiative, Vasan Dental Care along with District Tourism Promotion Council-Calicut , Red FM and Calicut Towers will be conducting a Signature Campaign on the occasion of the United Nations World Tourism Day on Sep 27th, 2014 .The signature campaign will be taking place at the Calicut Beach Premises targeting the locals as well as Tourists. The signature campaign hopes to encourage Responsible Tourism and Community Development,making the Traveller more aware to contribute towards conservation efforts of the environment and the people of their place of visit, which will benefit the local communities. The theme for this year's Tourism Day is Responsible Tourism and Community Development, focusing on the ability of Tourism to empower people and to provide them with skills to achieve change in their local communities. Traveller's Pledge : I hereby pledge to contribute productively to the local community by way of buying local goods, being environmentally aware, contributing to the conservation of culture, art and heritage,so that I support the regions and people that I visit in a positive manner that impacts it for the better. Venue : Calicut Beach Date : 27th September, 2014 Time : 5.00 pm For More Information Please Contact : 9048223193