Round Table "SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: educating ourselves with the youth in the safeguard of creation"
Round Table SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: educating ourselves with the youth in the safeguard of creation CASA DON BOSCO, EXPO2015, MILANO 27th SEPTEMBER 2015, h. 11.00-13.00 An event organised by TGS (Turismo Giovanile e Sociale - Youth and Social Tourism) The round table aims to raise awareness among visitors of Expo2015 on specific issues of sustainable tourism, the respect for the environment and the safeguard of creation, declining these issues as part of the Salesian educational project. The date chosen coincides with the World Tourism Day, celebrated worldwide every 27th September to match the anniversary of the adoption of the Statute of the World Tourism Organisation. There will be three guests, representing three different spheres and cultures in dialogue with each other: the Catholic Church, the academic community, the institutions. • Mgr Mario Lusek, director, National Office for Pastoral Care of Leisure, Tourism and Sport, Italian Bishop’s Conference • Prof Stefania Cerutti, research professor of Economic-political Geography, Department of Economics and Business, University of Eastern Piedmont • Mr Nicola Callegaro, Sustainable Tourism Office manager, Directorate of Culture and Tourism , Municipality of Venice. The round table therefore aims to enable a fruitful dialogue between the ecclesial sphere, the world of culture and research, local authorities and institutions, in order to promote an analysis and debate on the strategies and tools for sustainable tourism: highlighting the best possible practices, comparing visions and expectations related to the future of our planet, with special attention to young people and their awareness and education about environmental sustainability. The event on 27th September will be inspired by images of a photo contest organized especially for the occasion, the result of a social media campaign to raise awareness on sustainable tourism issues, especially among young people. The awareness and promotion campaign kickoff will be offered at the official opening of Expo2015 with the launch of dedicated hashtags (#Expo2015TGS, #turismosostenibile). The roundtable will also offer the TGS association the chance to present its activities related to sustainable tourism, giving space to the best practices and to the most active local groups, distributed throughout Italy. Special attention will be given to the Salesian educational project in which such association activities are identified, as well as to the relationship and dialogue established by TGS with the local, national and international institutions, so as to highlight the connection between the Salesian Family and civil society, where associations are the highest expression. TGS – Turismo Giovanile e Sociale Via Marsala, 42 - 00185 Roma Tel/fax + e-mail: info@turismogiovanilesociale.it www.turismogiovanilesociale.it