Seminar about sustainable tourism

26 - 27 September, 2014

The network Schyst resande (Fair tourism) will arrange a seminar about sustainable tourism, community development and living wages in the global tourism sector on Friday the 26th of September. A panel of guests will discuss two different themes: * How can Swedish travelers and travel companies contribute to development and fight poverty? What is the best approach? * Which are the greatest possibilities and challenges for the workers in the tourism sector in low wage countries? How can the situation improve? How can a living wage in the tourism sector become a reality? After the seminar our Schyst resande volunteers will get together to discuss learnings from the seminar and plan future activities. During Saturday 27th the volunteers will go out in the city to inform the public about the World Tourist Day and this year´s theme: tourism and community development. Schyst resande is a network of six organizations – Unionen, Fair Trade Center, the Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union, the Church of Sweden, Church of Sweden Youth and the IOGT-NTO movement. The network highlights various aspects of tourism and provides a holistic approach to sustainable tourism. The organizations in the network are all involved in Human Rights issues related to tourism and travelling from different perspectives. For more information see: www.schystresande.se/ www.eventbrite.com/e/enkel-biljett-ut-ur-fattigdomen-tickets-11751889217 Follow us: www.facebook.com/Schyst.resande twitter.com/Schystresande?lang=en