Somalia Officially Celebrating World Tourism Day 2016 - Accessible Tourism for all (First time in the history of Somalia celebrating WTD)

27 September, 2016
SOMTA Venue,Mogadishu,so

World Tourism Day 2016 in Somalia organized by Somali Tourism Association (SOMTA), the first time in the history of Somalia to organize such this kind of event. As Somalia is back taking place celebrating international events particularly SOMTA's concern about rebuilding the new shape of Somali tourism. The Somali’s tourism industry is finding its footing after two decades of fraternal civil war. The conflict may have destroyed lives and property and displaced wildlife, but Somalia is still blessed with a wide range of natural and cultural values that makes tourism a highly viable and potentially valuable investment. Needless to say, Somalia has the longest coastal line in Africa, stretching about 3,333 km. This means its beaches are vast and diverse. However, Somalia offers tourists a wide range of experiences, such as beautiful beaches with golden and white sand, waterfalls, hot springs, caves, bird watching, diving, river cruising and the damage caused by the civil war in what is referred to “Dark Tourism” (for visitors to observe the impact of the war). There are also historical sites in the country, some of which were built centuries ago. Therefore, SOMTA working hardly in the ground past 4 years rebuilding the lost Somali tourism with an expert in the field of tourism. Also creating the positive impact of the tourism and the economic growth to fight the poverty and security challenges. Somalia is back with recently hosted IGAD presidential conference on 13 September 2016. Now and on, Somali Tourism Association will take an extra mile to create more community awareness in accessibility issue in tourism industry. In this coming WTD 2016 will invite all the stockholders, youth, young professionals, culture promoters, artists, disability government officials to address the value of the tourism and hopefully next year's the year of sustainability and development tourism 2017. In short, Tourism still alive in Somalia and for more information please reach us on https://www.facebook.com/SOMTATourism/?fref=ts or www.somta.so or SOMTA_Service on twitter.