"Tourism For All: Promoting Universal Accessibility""In Jazan University"

27 September - 05 October, 2016
JAZAN UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Tourism and Archaeological Department,JAZAN,sa

This year we are celebrating a special World Tourism Day entitled "Tourism For All: Promoting Universal Accessibility". The celebration will be held in Tourism and Archaeology Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Tuesday 5 of Oct 2016. Also we will implement a special Photos Competitions about the special mission "JAZAN: Land Of Tourism and Archaeological Diversity". The competition will be limited to students in the department. Awards in both photos competition and information competitions will be delivered during the celebration. Inaugural speaker Dr. Faysal Tomehy the Department Chairman, The lecture presentation will be implemented by Dr. Yasser Shehawy Assistant professor in the department, The competitions will be managed by Mr. Ali Motaen Administrator in the department.