UNWTO.Themis Foundation Seeking Two Volunteers for Buthanese Marketing Plan 2013-2015

15 January - 16 February, 2013
Andorra la Vella,ad

The UNWTO.Themis Foundation has opened the call for 2 volunteers for onsite work on the 2013-2015 Marketing Plan of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

If you are a Tourism Marketing Professional and you want to live an exciting experience in one of the most promising Countries, now you have the opportunity to help us.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations in the field of tourism. It serves as a ‎global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how.‎ UNWTO plays a central and decisive role in promoting the development of responsible, ‎sustainable and universally accessible tourism, paying particular attention to the ‎interests of developing countries.

The UNWTO.Themis Foundation is an operational branch of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, and is responsible for the implementation of their programme of work in the areas of Education and Training. One of its objectives is to improve and support development assistance through applied training and educational programmes, achieved through the UNWTO.Volunteers Programme. One of the main goals of this programme is to strengthen the Volunteers’ Corp, which is composed of professionals who share a high commitment to service and solidarity, purposely trained in Development and Poverty Reduction through tourism by the UNWTO.Themis Foundation

The objective of Buthan is to strengthen the positioning and visibility of Bhutan by developing appropriate marketing tools in the national and International Tourism arena, using the following strategies:

  1. Tourism destination promotion and marketing;
  2. Strengthening of Public- Private Partnership for Tourism Development in Bhutan;
  3. Institutional support for the Destination Management Organization;
  4. Strengthening business linkages in the tourism supply chain between international and local tourism industry
  5. Creating a venue for Private Investors to acquaint themselves and appreciate the   economic potentials of Bhutan as a Tourism Destination.
  6. Ensuring and executing media coverage for Bhutan as a travel destination
  7. Developing a marketing strategy by source market and execute

Watch this Video from a previous Buthanese Volunteer Experience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jszrEPFdRo

More information on the Terms and Conditions of the Offer can be found at  http://www.slideshare.net/ThemisUNWTO/bhutan-terms-of-reference-031011-edit.

Applicants must have passed the UNWTO University Course: Tourism and International Cooperation for Development. A letter of interest must be sent to themis.omt1@unwto.org along with an up-to-date CV.