New Strategic Tourism Development Plan (STDP) for Mozambique Approved
The Ministry of Tourism of Mozambique with support from the World Bank had commissioned UNWTO to develop a new Strategic Tourism Development Plan (STDP) to guide the growth of the industry over the period 2015 - 2024. UNWTO deployed a team of national and international consultants who worked in close collaboration with officials of the Ministry of Tourism and other key tourism stakeholders in the country to prepare the Plan.
The draft STDP was presented at a stakeholders’ workshop in March 2015, and subsequently completed based on the feedback received. The final version of the Strategic Tourism Development Plan was submitted to the Government of Mozambique for endorsement in mid-2015, and was approved by the Council of Ministers on the 8th of December, 2015.
The STDP is designed to chart the way forward for tourism in Mozambique and provides a competitive tourism growth strategy and implementation plan for developing the country´s tourism industry as a key catalyst for rapid economic growth and job creation, in support of the Government’s economic development goals aimed at positioning the country as a leading tourism destination in Africa over the next decade.
Important aspects of the tourism strategy are: institutional development of the sector, marketing and branding, business development, land use planning, human resources development, hospitality quality, and sustainable tourism development, in particular in protected areas.
Project activities will finalize with a series of capacity building seminars for official tourism representatives at national and provincial levels on the implementation of the Plan to be organized in February 2016.