Improving Visitor Facilities and Services in Nzulezu Stilt Village in Ghana
July 04, 2016

Improving Visitor Facilities and Services in Nzulezu Stilt Village in Ghana

In January 2016, UNWTO signed an agreement with the Korean Tourism Organization and the ST-EP Foundation for the implementation of a new ST-EP Project portfolio benefiting eight countries.

Ghana is one of the countries featured in the portfolio and the project aims to improve visitor facilities and services in Nzulezu. Nzulezu is a village on stilts, situated on the bank of the Amanzure wetland in the Western Region of Ghana. The village has enormous cultural and ecotourism potential (canoeing, bird watching, fishing, cultural performances, among others) and attracts a good number of domestic and international tourists alike, but facilities and services that would encourage visitors to stay longer and spend more money are limited.

Within its objectives to improve visitor experience while creating jobs and income opportunities for the local people, the project is building 10 toilets stalls with flush-system for use by visitors and locals alike, and has already implemented a training programme on cultural dance performance for 36 youth of the village. The village walkway and performance stage has also been upgraded and about 20 litter bins will be installed in the village to discourage waste disposal into the water. Awareness-raising activities on sanitation and waste management were carried out, and other income generating opportunities discussed with the community, such as the sales of handicrafts and the traditional meals by women’s group. In addition, the project mounted bill boards at two major road junctions en route to Nzulezu (in Alabokazo and Apemenim).

The UNWTO carried out a project review mission to the site in late April and met with the local community, stakeholders and project partners to discuss implementation of activities and concluded that the project is on the right track for successful completion.