2nd World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism underlines relevance of local communities and cultures
PR No.: 16042
The quality of basic ingredients and the various elements of the value chain in the gastronomy tourism experience were highlighted as key components of the segment at the 2nd World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, which took place in Lima, Peru, organized by the UNWTO, the Basque Culinary Center and Promperú.
The majority of the participants who gathered at the gastronomy tourism event held in the Peruvian capital coincided in highlighting the relationship of agriculture, fisheries, livestock, market culture and distribution, as well as traditional cuisine, with the development of this segment. The inclusion of local communities, as well as their knowledge of traditional crops and historical roots, thus appears as a key component in this equation.
The president of Peru, Ollanta Humala, said at the opening ceremony of the event: “The country has found a new motor for the development of its economy, which had been hidden because of its everyday nature (...) last year we had 3.5 million tourists, but Peru has the potential to increase this figure exponentially, and this is why we invest in infrastructure and roads, which facilitate visits.”
One of the main conclusions of the Forum was the use of gastronomy tourism as a tool for promoting destinations, which is closely related to cultural diversity and biodiversity, recognized as fundamental tourism attractions. In this regard, the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage is seen as a parallel process. Another aspect that was emphasized was the capacity of gastronomy to bring together different cultures and facilitate multiculturalism, a process called ‘gastrodiplomacy’.
In the same vein, gastronomy tourism should be approached taking into account the criteria of responsibility, solidarity and sustainability. In fact, the changes experienced by societies throughout the world has resulted in a global awareness that includes environmental, ethical and health concerns that are linked to gastronomy.
“Gastronomy is a permanent source of expression of culture and Peru is a world leader. This edition of the Forum has exceeded our expectations: the wealth of contributions made will make it possible to advance by promoting the development of gastronomy tourism that contributes to the preservation of the culture of peoples and that makes a positive impact on local communities,” noted Carlos Vogeler, UNWTO Director of Relations with Affiliate Members.
One of the subjects dealt with at the Lima Forum was the management of gastronomy tourism, which must be nurtured through research and innovation, as well as ongoing training. In this regard, most of the experts in attendance agreed on the importance of this type of meetings and networking.
In all these areas, the Gastronomy Tourism Network of the World Tourism Organization was referred to as a tool to actively support the segment worldwide.
Indeed, one of the most important decisions of the meeting was the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru (MINCETUR) and the World Tourism Organization for the application of the UNWTO Prototype Methodology to the development of this tourism product. The model will be implemented in the province of Puno, which includes Lake Titicaca, with a view to promoting the famous ‘Quinoa Route’.
The World Tourism Organization’s approach, in line with the Global Code of Ethics of the Organization, links gastronomy tourism with values such as sustainability, social cohesion and the importance of local communities and intangible heritage.
Additional information:
- UNWTO Global Report on Food Tourism
- E-book ‘La Alianza entre Turismo y Cultura en Perú’
- Web page of the 2nd World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism
- Web page of the 1st World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism
UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino
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