The Incidence of Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism

The Incidence of Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism (2001) is part of a series of interrelated projects carried out within the context of the International Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism, co-funded by the European Commission. The publication is divided into two parts that examine the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in tourism networks from the perspectives of both tourist-receiving and tourist-sending countries. The report considers the effectiveness of existing international campaigns, identifies critical areas involving the tourism industry and makes recommendations for the prevention of exploitation in the short and long term. It also includes a number of recommendations of how the tourism industry can work, both in collaboration with other stakeholders and within its own sectors, to end CSEC.
The first part of the report relates to tourism-receiving countries and focuses particularly on the different manifestations of CSEC in tourism, outlining initiatives and activities undertaken to date in three South-East Asian tourism destinations – Cambodia, Thailand and Bali, Indonesia. The second part addresses the issue from the perspective of tourism-sending countries. It analyses critical areas of the tourism network and trafficking of children and international campaign monitoring programmes. It provides a study on New Zealand’s sex industry and overseas travel by New Zealand nationals.
Download the full report here or visit UNWTO's e-library, here.
See also:
UNWTO's activities related to the Protection of Children in Tourism
ISBN: 978-92-844-0500-8