UNWTO Special Practicum programme for Arab Speaking Countries

15 - 22 September, 2012
Organización Mundial de Turismo,Madrid,es

UNWTO Special Practicum programme for Arab Speaking Countries

Madrid and Granada, Spain

16-23 September 2012


The Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization derives much pleasure in announcing the 2012 edition of UNWTO Special Practicum programme for Arab Speaking countries, which will be held from 16 to 23 September 2012, at UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid and at the Euro-Arab Institute Foundation for Education and Training (INSTEA), in Granada.

This UNWTO Practicum has been designed to assist UNWTO Member States in building the capacity of the officials of their NTAs at national and regional level, with state-of-the-art knowledge and practical experiences in core areas of responsibilities. The programme will include a workshop on Sustainable Tourism and Poverty Alleviation, to be held in English and Arabic.

The Practicum has the threefold objective of:

(a) Building capacity of officials from the National Tourism Administrations of UNWTO Member States in their core areas of responsibility;

(b) Familiarizing them with the UNWTO programme of work and the activities and services provided therein;

(c) Creating the opportunity for networking between the participants and with the responsible UNWTO officials.

The provisional programme of the Practicum together with a general information note are attached to the present communication.