March 20, 2018
UNWTO Secretary-General meets Head of Government of Andorra ahead of 10th Congress on Snow and Mountain

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili met today with the Head of the Government of Andorra Antoni Martí i Petit and the Minister of Tourism Francesc Camp ahead of the 10th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism.
Discussions focused on the importance of education and training in the tourism sector as one of the priorities of UNWTO Member States. The Principality of Andorra is home to the UNWTO Themis Foundation, the operative arm of the Organization for education and training celebrating it's 20th anniversary this year.
Following the meeting UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili and Antoni Martí i Petit, Head of the Government of Andorra, will open tomorrow the 10th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism taking place in the Principality 21-23 March 2018.
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