Tourism sustainability and statistics in the time of COVID-19

Tourism sustainability and statistics in the time of COVID-19

12 - 14 June, 2020
  • Language: English
  • Date: 12 June 2020
  • Time: 14.00-15.30 (CET)


Alessandra Priante
Alessandra Priante
Regional Director for Europe,
Hernán Epstein
Hernán Epstein
Chief, Department of Statistics,


Ossi Nurmi
Ossi Nurmi
Senior Statistician and Chair of the OECD Group in Tourism Statistics, Statistics Finland

Ossi Nurmi is a senior statistician in the Business Statistics -unit of Statistics Finland. He is the team leader of tourism statistics including Accommodation statistics, Finnish Travel -survey and the Tourism Satellite Account.
Ossi has over 10 years of experience in the field of tourism and transport statistics and has participated in several national and international projects related to statistical development such as mobile positioning data. At present, Ossi is also Chair of the OECD Working Group on Tourism Statistics. Prior to his career in statistics, Ossi worked as a consultant and project manager in the private sector. Ossi graduated from Helsinki School of Business in 2004 as a Master of Science in Economics.

Ana Moniche
Ana Moniche
Senior Offcer Statistics and Market Research, Turismo Andaluz

Ana Moniche works for the Statistics and Market Research Department of Turismo Andaluz, an agency of the Tourism Regional Government of Andalusia.
Within her tasks for the Regional Government, she supports the role of Andalusia as Vice President of NECSTouR, the network of European Regions for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism. Her works here is to advocate for an adequate system of statistics for monitoring tourism policies for European regions.
She also participates in numerous European projects and initiatives such as the Tourism of Tomorrow Lab, an investment proposal for the European Commission related with data provision for tourism stakeholders´ decision making, and MITOMED+ related with the implementation of ETIS indicators for coastal and maritime Mediterranean destinations.

Peter Laimer
Peter Laimer
Deputy Director of the Directorate of Spatial Statistics, Statistics Austria

Peter Laimer, after finishing two University Courses related to Export and Tourism at the University of Economics Vienna 1990 and the study in Geography at the University of Vienna in June 1992, Mr. Laimer has been started working at Statistics Austria in May 1993 and since 1998 he is responsible for the official “Tourism and Travel Statistics”
(Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA), Travel Balance of Payments, CATI-surveys).
Mr. Laimer is presently Deputy Director of the Directorate “Spatial Statistics” at Statistics Austria, which involves - apart from Tourism and Travel Statistics - Motor Vehicles
Registration Statistics, Road Safety Statistics, Environmental/Energy Statistics and Agriculture/Forestry Statistics.

Martin Balas
Martin Balas
Research Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Tourism und Biosphere Reserves Institute, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development

Martin Balas is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Tourism und Biosphere Reserves Institute at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development in Germany. Martin worked for various sustainable tourism management projects in Germany and abroad and has been advising tourism companies, tourism destinations and regional as well as national political bodies. His research focuses on Sustainability Assessments, Regional Economic Effects of Tourism, Sustainable Destination Management and Corporate Social Responsibility in tourism. Next to his research, Martin is on the board of the European Sustainability Network Ecotrans and partner of the Sustainability certification scheme TourCert.

Alessandra Alfieri
Alessandra Alfieri
Chief of Environmental Economic Accounts Section, United Nations Statistics DivisionDevelopment

Alessandra Alfieri is responsible for the environmental-economic accounting programme at the United Nations Statistics Division. She has led the elevation of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting to the level of a statistical standard and is currently leading the revision of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounts revision process. She has worked previously on the development of a framework for remittances and trade in services statistics. She holds a Ph.D. in Statistics and has worked at Eurostat and the World Bank in the past.