Second Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism
23 - 24 October, 2018
The second meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism was held on 24-25 October 2018, in UNWTO Headquarters, Madrid, Spain.
Session 1. Sustainable Tourism: a cornerstone of UNWTO's agenda
- Mr. John Kester (UNWTO): Milestones of the Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) Project
Session 2. Advancing the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism
- Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Updated draft of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST) and outcomes of the 1st consultation
- Mr. Calvin Jones (Cardiff Business School): Main issues identified by the sub-group on Employment
- Contributions from the Sub-group to the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism: “Tourism employment”
- Mr. Cesare Costantino (UNWTO consultant): The demand perspective in measuring the sustainability of tourism with specific focus on environmental aspects (doc) (ppt)
- Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Using Ecosystem Accounting for MST
- Mr. Rodrigo Oliver (Argentina): “Measuring the social sustainability of tourism"
- Contributions from the Sub-group to the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism: “The Social Dimension of Sustainable Tourism”
- Mr. Raúl Figueroa (Mexico): Ecosystem and cultural services in Mexico
- Mr. Raúl Hernández (Universidad La Laguna): Reflections on measuring the sustainability of tourism at the destination scale
- Mr. Dirk Glaesser (UNWTO): International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories
Session 3. From theory to practice: initial steps towards implementation by countries
- Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Summary of MST Country Pilots (doc) (ppt)
- Mr. Martin Balas (Univ. Sustainable Development) and Ms. Franziska Neumann (Diw Econ): Development of an Indicator-System for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism in Germany
- Ms. Vivian R. Ilarina (Philippines): Measuring Sustainable Tourism: The Philippine Experience
- Mr. Faisal Abdullah Al-Saleemi (Saudi Arabia): Environmental measures for tourism based on the TSA when you don’t have environmental accounts (SEEA)
- Ms. Demi Kotsovos (Canada): Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism: Implementation Strategy
- Ms. Nour Barnat and Mr. Anton Sudzik (UNCTAD): Measuring travel and tourism in Western African countries - Implementation and issues
Session 4. MST’s connections to sustainable development
- Mr. Peter Laimer (Austria): Tourism indicators for monitoring the sustainability of tourism (doc) (ppt)
- Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Towards an international dataset for MST (doc) (ppt)
- Ms. Jennifer Iduh (ETC): Questionnaire on Measuring Sustainable Tourism Indicators (STIs): Preliminary Results
Session 5. Communicating MST: what to tell to whom and when?
- Mr. Marcelo Risi (UNWTO): Towards a communication plan for MST
Session 6. The way forward and closing
- Ms. Leandry Moreno (UNWTO): Next steps
- Mr. Peter Laimer (Austria): Conclusions
Background documents:
- Linking the TSA and the SEEA: A Technical Note
- IAEG/SDGs - Contribution from the countries in the Committee on Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account of the UNWTO (April 2018)
- Measuring Sustainable Tourism: A Call for Action – Report of the 6th International Conference on Tourism Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 21 – 23 June 2017
- Manila Call for Action on Measuring Sustainable Tourism