The Tourism and Events Observatory of the City of São Paulo
Member since
Hosted by
Department of Research and Market Intelligence of São Paulo Turismo
Monitoring area
City of São Paulo, Brazil

The Tourism and Events Observatory of the City of São Paulo (OTE) is a pioneer in collecting and analyzing tourism data in the city of São Paulo. It is worth mentioning that no other local company, public or private, carries out this type of work like OTE: after collecting, compiling and analyzing the data, it is presented in graphic and analytical reports in a clear and objective way, and is subsequently made publicly available on the website. department website to the interested public, enabling a better understanding of the sector's scenario and the consequent promotion and development of tourism in the city.
The Tourism and Events Observatory of the city of São Paulo (OTE), the research and market intelligence center of São Paulo Turismo (SPTuris) was created in 2005 with the aim of analyze the behavior of tourism and the events segment in the capital of São Paulo.
OTE has successfully collected data related to the distribution and consumption of natural resources, as well as waste collection. These data are important for studies of the impact of tourism on water, energy and waste recycling systems. The data is obtained from three sources of information, Energy distribution monitoring data from ENEL (local electricity distributor), Recyclable and non-recyclable waste collected monitoring data by the Executive Secretariat for Urban Cleaning (SELIMP), linked to the Municipal Secretariat of Subprefectures (SMSUB), and water consumption and sewage collection according to data from Sabesp, responsible for water supply, sewage collection and treatment.
Energy distribution
(Non)Recyclable waste
Water consumption
Sewage collection
The São Paulo Street Carnival, despite already being consolidated among the people of São Paulo, is only growing with visitors and tourists from Brazil and abroad, showing itself to be increasingly safe and organized, providing its revelers with fun with peace of mind and quality, helping to strengthen the image of the capital of São Paulo as a national reference in Carnival.