Mallorca, SPAIN

Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Fundación Mallorca Turismo

Monitoring area

Mallorca, Spain

Fundación Mallorca Turismo is Mallorca’s DMO and part of the Mallorca Island Council, body in charge of tourism in Mallorca. The Sustainable Tourism Observatory will be a department within the Foundation, and its top-level stakeholders will be members of this Foundation’s board and will also participate in the Observatory’s governance. Second level stakeholders will be all other organisations and institutions that have supported the launch of the Observatory and that have also signed cooperation agreements with the Foundation in matters concerning the data-sharing model and how the archives and deliverables developed by the Observatory will be accessed (including the Open Data platform that the Observatory will create giving citizens and organisation free access when duly accredited). Finally, the Observatory will have two other external levels of cooperation. The first will include all local organisations, associations or individuals wanting to provide data, findings and/or knowledge and sustainable tourism bestpractices from the island of Mallorca. And the last circle will involve all those from outside of Mallorca, from anywhere in Spain, or even the rest of the world wishing to collaborate with the Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory.



The mission of Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory is to generate information to guide the decisions of the public and private sectors, providing intelligence throughout the tourism value chain in order to increase its competitiveness and productivity, while improving and ensuring its sustainability. The aim is to generate strategic knowledge by applying innovative research techniques to the changing environment and tourist demand that contribute to achieve the sustainability of the tourist destination of Mallorca.


The Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory proposes to implement Mallorca’s Travel and Tourism and Sustainability System by using Big Data, Machine Learning and Business Intelligence to identify, capture, integrate, process and analyse the different data sources provided by the stakeholders and other organisations that work with the Observatory to generate and produce interactive dashboards and reports that will be used as resources to support Mallorca’s tourism industry’s stakeholders in their decision-making.


(in addition to UNWTO mandatory indicators)

Production and sustainable consumption
Biodiversity and the safeguarding of nature
Cultural heritage and traditions
Use and regional planning, tourism development supervision
Visitor satisfaction and behaviour
Safety and security and health
Sports tourism


Mallorca is the world’s number one destination for cycle tourism. Good weather everyday, every week, every month, and every year. Postcard landscapes bordering the sea, crossing through charming villages, meadows, the imposing Serra de Tramuntana mountain range and service. Anything one can imagine for cyclists. Mallorca also hosts different cycling competitions primarily during the low-season.