Global Search
WEDNESDAY 10 JUN 2020, 10:00 to 11:30 GMT+2
MONDAY 22 JUN 2020 16:00 GMT+2
Monday 29 Jun 2020, 11:00 GMT +2
TUESDAY 30 JUN 2020 11:00 TO 14:00 GMT+2
Member States from across Africa have shared their priorities for tourism against the backdrop of COVID-19. As with every other global region, African destinations have been hit hard by the restrictions on travel introduced in response to the pandemic. The sudden and unexpected drop in tourist arrivals has placed many millions of jobs at risk and threatened to roll back the progress made in sustainable development.
Without strong support, the sudden and unexpected fall in tourism could devastate the economies of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has warned. Since tourism is a strong socio-economic pillar of many SIDS, the impact that COVID-19 is having on the sector places millions of jobs and businesses at risk, with women and informal workers the most vulnerable.