Tourism continues to recover at a strong pace. Globally, destinations welcomed almost three times as many international arrivals in the first quarter of 2022 as in the same period of 2021, with Europe leading the sector’s rebound.
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The European Member States of UNWTO have highlighted the importance of jobs, professional training and sustainability and innovation as they jointly guide the recovery of tourism across the region.
UNWTO joined high level representatives from Environment Ministries, International Organizations and UN Agencies to consolidate tourism’s commitment and position as a high impact sector for accelerating sustainability.
More than 30 countries in Europe have signed up to share knowledge and best practices with the aim of enhancing tourism competitiveness and supporting the recovery of the sector across the region.
UNWTO has welcomed the Yukon Sustainable Tourism Observatory into its growing International Network of Sustainable Observatories (INSTO).
The Committee on Matters Related to Affiliate Membership (CMAM) convened its first meeting focused on the election of its Chair and Vice-Chair and to consider all the applications for Affiliate Membership received. The Committee will submit its evaluation to the Members of the Executive Council during its 116th Session which will take place on 7-8 June in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE), an impartial body which reports directly to the UNWTO General Assembly, met under a new chair and with a new composition. After deliberations, the Committee agreed to issue the following statement: