Americas The UNWTO international course in Argentina on “Gastronomy as a tourist attraction factor” was launched on 24/9
Americas Courses UNWTO course in Argentina on “Gastronomy as a tourist attraction factor” from 24 to 29 September in Ushuaia, Argentina
Americas Over 40 tourism officials and professionals participated in the UNWTO Course in Mexico on “Sustainable Tourism Strategies for Local Development”
Americas Inaugurated the UNWTO Course in Mexico on “Sustainable Tourism Strategies for Local Development”
Americas Courses SCHOLARSHIPS for the UNWTO Course in Paraguay on “Tourist Routes for Community Development”
Americas 61st meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas addresses application of technology to tourism
Americas UNWTO and CENFOTUR to launch report on ‘Talent Development, Key for Destination Competitiveness’
Americas Conference SCHOLARSHIPS for the UNWTO International Course & Conference in Argentina on “Gastronomy: a key factor for destination attractiveness”